Thursday, November 25, 2010

Will the REAL information please stand up?

WOW...there is a lot of information on the web.  It is easy to type in Civil War and come up with 65,000,000 hits.  That would take a lifetime to weed through - and you only have three weeks to get this paper out.  Simply Googling your topic might not be the best use of time.

What to do?

Here is an idea.  Find the article about your topic on the Wikipedia page.  Please do not use this as a source.  This site is not reliable for using in a research paper.  This is because anyone can edit the page.  If I think I know a lot about the guitars, I can change the guitar page on Wikipedia.  This makes for an unreliable and non-credible source.  You can use it to find some key words in an effort to query a smaller Google search.

On the Wikipedia site for the Civil War, I find terms like "Corwin Amendment."  This time I only get 289,000 hits.  Still too much to look through, but more specific information for a narrower research paper.  This is a good way to use Wikipedia. 

Search through the Wikipedia page on your topic...then search with some specific key words.  See what you come up with.  Share some love and leave a comment about your search.

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